While most default configurations manage products by our product_class definitions, you can also use categories to fine-tune the product you list on the site. Below you can find a list of current categories. If you want to manage your listings by categories, we recommend that you remove all product classes in your “product_restrictions –> product_class –> include” section. Then copy and paste the set of categories below into your new category-based restrictions. You can do this by copying all the categories as shown below (with the double-quotes and commas) into the text-mode of the configuration editor.
Swithcing to Text Mode:

Scroll down in the configuration to the bottom:

Remove all the items under product_class “include” , leaving an empty array []

Then copy and paste your categories into the category includes section:. Remove the comma next to the last category in your list to prevent an error. Then you are done and can hit Save.

List of Cockpit Categories:
“AR Rifles”,
“AK Rifles”,
“Semi Auto Rifles”,
“Bolt Action Rifles”,
“Lever Action Rifles”,
“Pump Action Rifles”,
“Single Shot Rifles”,
“Short Barrel Rifles (SBR)”,
“Machine Guns”,
“Silencers & Suppressed Firearms”,
“Other Rifles”,
“AR Pistols”,
“AK Pistols”,
“Semi Auto Handguns”,
“Single Shot Handguns”,
“Other Handguns”,
“Combination Guns”,
“Semi Auto Shotguns”,
“Pump Action Shotguns”,
“Over Under Shotguns”,
“Side By Side Shotguns”,
“Bolt Action Shotguns”,
“Lever Action Shotguns”,
“Single Shot Shotguns”,
“Other Shotguns”,
“Other Collectible Guns”,
“Commemorative Guns”,
“Antique Guns”,
“Less-Lethal Pistols & Rifles”,
“Curios & Relics”,
“Black Powder Pistols & Muzzleloader Pistols”,
“Black Powder Rifles & Muzzleloader Rifles”,
“Black Powder & Muzzleloaders”,
“Black Powder & Pryodex”,
“Percussion Caps”,
“Muzzleloading Primers”,
“Any Other Weapon (AOW)”,
“AK Magazines”,
“AR Magazines”,
“Rifle Magazines”,
“Handgun Magazines”,
“Shotgun Magazines”,
“Handgun Ammunition”,
“Other Ammunition”,
“Rifle Ammunition”,
“Rimfire Ammunition”,
“Shotgun Shells”,
“Vintage Ammo”,
“Destructive Devices”,
“Large Bore, Inert & Cannon Ammo”,
“Less-Lethal Ammunition”,
“Ammo Storage”,
“Weapon Lights”,
“Gun Scopes”,
“Gun Sights”,
“Laser Sights”,
“Night Vision”,
“Range Finders”,
“Red Dots Sights”,
“Scope Accessories & Scope Parts”,
“Sight Magnifiers”,
“Spotting Scopes”,
“Thermal Sights”,
“Holsters & Gun Leather”,
“Concealed Carry Holsters”,
“Concealed Carry Purses”,
“Concealed Carry Clothing”,
“Concealed Carry Clothing for Women”,
“Range Bags & Cases”,
“Bags & Packs”,
“Shooting Supplies”,
“Gun Parts”,
“Gun Parts Kits”,
“Handgun Parts”,
“Rifle Parts”,
“Shotgun Parts”,
“Other Gun Accessories & Parts”,
“Class 3 Parts & Accessories”,
“AR15 Parts”,
“AR15 Bolts”,
“AR15 Barrels”,
“AR15 Lowers”,
“AR15 Stocks, Forends, Forearms”,
“AR15 Triggers”,
“AR15 Uppers”,
“Other AR15 Accessories & Parts”,
“Small AR15 Parts”,
“AR10 Lowers”,
“AR10 Parts”,
“AR10 Barrels”,
“AR10 Bolts”,
“AR10 Stocks, Forends, Forearms”,
“AR10 Triggers”,
“AR10 Uppers”,
“Other AR10 Accessories & Parts”,
“Small AR10 Parts”,
“AK47 Parts”,
“AK47 Barrels”,
“AK47 Bolts”,
“AK47 Lowers”,
“AK47 Stocks, Forends, Forearms”,
“AK47 Triggers”,
“AK47 Uppers”,
“Small AK47 Parts”,
“AK74 Parts”,
“AK74 Barrels”,
“AK74 Bolts”,
“AK74 Lowers”,
“AK74 Stocks, Forends, Forearms”,
“AK74 Triggers”,
“AK74 Uppers”,
“Small AK74 Parts”,
“Other AK74 Accessories & Parts”,
“Other AK47 Accessories & Parts”,
“Shotgun Barrels”,
“Shotgun Chokes”,
“Shotgun Stocks”,
“Other Shotgun Accessories & Parts”,
“Handgun Barrels”,
“Handgun Frames”,
“Handgun Slides”,
“Other Handgun Accessories & Parts”,
“Pistol Grips”,
“Small Handgun Parts”,
“Other Rifle Accessories & Parts”,
“Rifle Barrels”,
“Rifle Bolts”,
“Rifle Stocks”,
“Shotgun Receivers”,
“Rifle Lowers”,
“Small Rifle Parts”,
“Glock Parts”,
“Small Glock Parts”,
“Glock Barrels”,
“Glock Frames”,
“Glock Triggers”,
“Other Glock Accessories & Parts”,
“Other 1911 Accessories & Parts”,
“Slings & Sling Parts”,
“Slings Parts & Accessories”,
“1911 Parts”,
“1911 Barrels”,
“1911 Frames”,
“1911 Grips”,
“1911 Slides”,
“1911 Triggers”,
“Collectible Gun Parts & Accessories”,
“Glock Grips”,
“Glock Slides”,
“Small HK Parts”,
“Automatic Knives”,
“Collectible Knives”,
“Fixed Blade Knives”,
“Filet Knives”,
“Butterfly & Ballisong Knives”,
“Hunting Knives”,
“Knife Accessories”,
“Pocket Knives”,
“Swords & Axes”,
“Archery Supplies”,
“Bowfishing Accessories”,
“Bowfishing Supplies”,
“Bowfishing Bows”,
“Air Gun Accessories”,
“Air Pistols”,
“Air Rifles”,
“Paintball Guns”,
“Reloading Equipment”,
“Reloading Supplies”,
“Case Preparation”,
“Other Reloading Equipment”,
“Powder Measures & Scales”,
“Reloading Accessories”,
“Reloading Books & Manuals”,
“Reloading Dies”,
“Reloading Presses & Kits”,
“Reloading Tools”,
“Shellholders & Die Accessories”,
“Reloading Hulls”,
“Reloading Shot”,
“Other Reloading Supplies”,
“Reloading Brass”,
“Reloading Bullets”,
“Reloading Molds”,
“Reloading Powder”,
“Reloading Primers”,
“Reloading Wads”,
“Black Powder Bullets”,
“Other Muzzleloader Supplies & Black Powder Parts”,
“Gun Cleaning Kits & Gun Cleaning Supplies”,
“Gun Rests, Vises & Benches”,
“Gunsmithing Tools & Gunsmith Supplies”,
“Shooting Glasses & Hearing Protection”,
“Shooting Targets”,
“Backpacks, Totes & Luggage”,
“Body Armor”,
“Belts & Belt Buckles”,
“Coats & Jackets”,
“Hats & Headwear”,
“Other Clothing”,
“Pants & Coveralls”,
“Shirts, Sweatshirts & Vests”,
“Shoes, Boots & Footwear”,
“Camping and Outdoor Accessories”,
“Camping Furniture”,
“Sleeping Bags”,
“Food and Survival”,
“Camping Tools”,
“Insect Repellent”,
“First Aid”,
“Backpacks and Gearbags”,
“Hydration and Water Storage”,
“Appliances and Electronics”,
“Solar and Portable Power”,
“Bottles, Cups and Mugs”,
“Camping Lights”,
“Camo Clothing & Accessories”,
“Animal Traps”,
“Game Calls”,
“Game Cameras”,
“Game Feed & Feeders”,
“Hunting Accessories”,
“Hunting Decoys”,
“Hunting Dog Supplies”,
“Hunting Scents & Deer Lure”,
“Other Hunting Gear”,
“Scent Elimination”,
“Tree Stands”,
“Other General Fishing”,
“Fishing Collectibles”,
“Fish Finders”,
“Fly Fishing Tackle”,
“Freshwater Fishing Tackle”,
“Saltwater Fishing”,
“Fly Fishing Flies”,
“Fly Fishing Reels”,
“Fly Fishing Rods”,
“Fly Fishing Rod & Reel Combos”,
“Other Fly Fishing Equipment”,
“Freshwater Fishing Baits & Lures”,
“Freshwater Fishing Rods”,
“Freshwater Fishing Rod & Reel Combos”,
“Other Freshwater Fishing Equipment”,
“Saltwater Fishing Baits & Lures”,
“Saltwater Fishing Reels”,
“Saltwater Fishing Rods”,
“Saltwater Fishing Rod & Reel Combos”,
“Other Saltwater Fishing Equipment”,
“Tackle Storage”,
“Terminal Tackle”,
“Freshwater Fishing Reels”,
“Cowboy Action Shooting”,
“Gun Posters, Catalogs & Flyers”,
“Other Military Collectibles”,
“Old West Collectibles”,
“Civil War Collectibles”,
“WW1 & WW2 Collectibles”,
“Muzzleloading Collectibles”,
“Personal Defense/Less-Lethal”,
“Pepper Spray / OC”,
“Less-Lethal Accessories”,
“Tazer/Stun Gun”,
“Safes & Gun Storage Accessories”,
“Gun Locks”,
“Gun Cabinets”,
“Everything Else”,