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Want to help fix product categorization?

We now have a tool for crowd-sourcing product category fixes. It’s a never ending battle to make sure that products listed on our sites, sourced from Cockpit have the correct categories. We’ve invested a lot of time developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) models to try and automatically categorize product. These methods had success, but still can generate incorrect category associations. It’s time we provided a tool to get the humans involved, making sure our categories are the best they can be.

If you are logged into your site as an admin, on each product page you will now see an additional “Admin” tab. Within this tab you can recategorize the product, which will then update the category on your site, and update the FFL Cockpit database. We are tracking your changes in our database to see who our best contributors are, so we appreciate your updates. Recategorizing a product will ultimately affect all customers using FFL Cockpit, so please make those changes with that in mind.