FFL Cockpit Category-based Product Restrictions

While most default configurations manage products by our product_class definitions, you can also use categories to fine-tune the product you list on the site. Below
Listing products on aggregation sites (WikiArms, Gun.deals, AmmoSeek)

FFL Cockpit currently supports posting your website products on WikiArms, Gun.deals, and Ammoseek. While it’s included in FFL Cockpit, each of these listing services requires
Shipping Setup

Cockpit does not assign shipping costs for your customers during checkout. This is because we cannot predict which items will be included in the cart,
Creating a WooCommerce REST API Key
In order for FFL Cockpit to communicate to your site, we need access to read and write product information. This is done through a computer-to-computer
Want to help fix product categorization?
We now have a tool for crowd-sourcing product category fixes. It’s a never ending battle to make sure that products listed on our sites, sourced
Gunbroker Order Fulfillment
Once in a while, you may find the need to reprocess a Gunbroker Order. This could be needed if an error ocurred on the automation,
In addition to drop-shipping product to your customers, you now have the option to “Ship-to-Store”, whether that’s your Brick and Mortar location, or your home.
Problem displaying Checkout? Have a new site?
If those don’t work, and you have a newer install of WordPress, continue below…. Since WooCommerce 8.4, the management of cart and checkout pages has
FFL Cockpit: Product Restrictions
By defaulr, cockpit will list all products available from every distributor you have configured. You can refine the product listed by using the product restriction